Measurement process digitalization - wireless instruments

We design measurement process digitization and supply wireless instruments, provide our own intelligent infrastructure (VIDEO Presentation) and software applications. Integrated into SAP (Video). New free application

Who we are
Measuring Intelligence s.r.o.

What we can provide

Design and Implementation

Based on analysis of your measurement process we provide an optimal solution of wireless data transmission, customize an application. There is also the possibility to integrate to your current ERP system (optional).

More details Více o našich službách

Wireless Instruments and Intelligent Infrastructure Supply

We supply wireless instruments made by the Swiss Sylvac. They are the only brand offering duplex measuring instruments on the market, meaning bi-directional (can receive and send data to an instrument). Our in-house manufactured intelligent infrastructure allows to collect measurement data, remotely manage instruments, set up parameters, tolerances and many other configuration options are available.

Measuring instruments Nabídka měřidel

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Within our offer we supply an SPC application or visualization measured data when required. All customised as per your process of input, inter-operative and output control or other quality management requirements.

More details Více o našich službách

Benefits of our solution in praxis

World unique intelligent infrastructure provides a wide range of configuration options and cooperation with other digital system within a firm. Among other things there are the following advantages:

Measuring Intelligence s.r.o. Measuring Intelligence s.r.o.

Universal output format of data, simple integration to ERP, modular system

Measuring Intelligence s.r.o. Measuring Intelligence s.r.o.

Transmitted data from the instruments are available in real time and remotely managed

Measuring Intelligence s.r.o. Measuring Intelligence s.r.o.

Thanks to the Bluetooth Low Energy, unlimited move with an instrument within a workshop floor

Measuring Intelligence s.r.o. Measuring Intelligence s.r.o.

Multi-platform solution compatible with different systems such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, Android

Measuring Intelligence s.r.o. Measuring Intelligence s.r.o.

Mobile application for simple process control , data collection and visualization (SPC etc.) integrated into SAP

More details required?

Please leave us a contact. We can give a presentation within your company and show you unlimited potential of our technology.

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